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CKD Power Arm


Add Mechanical Lock Mechanism Variation.

Floating and sinking occur during the time of significant weight changes, such as delivery and receipt of deliveries. This mechanical lock can help improve safety and workability when it is unsafe or difficult to use. The lock mechanism is located inside the cylinder, so you can work with it in a compact and smart way.
The PAW Series is a global model that has a high safety design and conforms to European safety standard CE marking (shaft body). The allowable moment has been improved by 40% (at Ø100) compared with conventional and has a highly rigid specification.

A Human Assist product that contributes to alleviating workloads in the workplace and securing workers’ safety, based on the concept of solidarity with workers. A new model assistance device that allows access from the bottom. With multi-axis specifications, it can be folded and stored and is compact when stored as well. Freely select combinations of up to 3 axes according to the application and location, making it possible to transport heavy objects to higher and farther locations. In the heavy objects transport process, it is suitable for the work of lifting from waist height to chest level and carrying horizontally avoiding obstacles above. This offers support for women’s contributions to the workplace and the improvement of multi-operator work.


  • Clamp
  • Positioning
  • Conveyance
  • Semi-automated facilities
  • Safety
  • Assembly
  • Handling
  • Inspection
  • Air pressure supply
  • Special purpose/conveyance